Gravity Rush 2 Game Review

- Gravity-twisting gameplay
- A wide, vast floating city to explore
- New styles with different powers
- Imaginative missions with plenty of drama
- Camera fights to stay informed of the actions
- Auto-targeting challenging to predict
Gravity Rush 2 takes the odd, unique style and gameplay of the original and lets it loose on a larger canvas, dishing up its gravitation-twisting action with real imagination and verve.
About The Game
Like its ‘gravity queen’ heroine, Gravity Rush 2 game delights in confounding expectations, switching directions and adding issues until you can’t tell which way’s upwards and which manner’s down. What starts as a special sequel to one of PS Vita’s brightest, most innovative games blossoms into something even better. It’s just the game you need to brighten up a gloomy beginning to 2017.
Prepare to be baffled by the opening half hour, which sees Kat stripped of her gravity-twisting powers and stranded far away from her hometown, Hekseville, working with a nomadic band of miners salvaging crystals from strange ruins floating in the sky. Even with her powers returned, hovering in the air with a tap of R1, aiming with the right stick, speeding forwards and clinging to a surface with R2, Kat still doesn’t seem her old self.
Game Features
It’s a larger world than you first suspect, the tight streets and marketplace plazas of the central areas giving way to flying fortresses and strange, clustered suburbs, all without the artificial separations that made Hekseville possible within the constraints of the Vita’s hardware. While it’s tempting to describe it as a manga version of Bioshock’s Columbia, that doesn’t really do Jirga Para Lhao justice. While it might not possess the depth or the responsive population of a more traditional open world, it’s still a fascinating spot to buzz about.
There’s a lot to do here, also. On the one hand, Kat becomes embroiled in the neighborhood class struggle, as it becomes clear that those below are getting a raw deal from above. By turns, she’ll need to play investigative reporter, affluent girl’s dogsbody, volunteer firefighter, radical, singer and all-round force for liberty. Beyond the key report, there are plenty of side-missions to get stuck into, taking in everything from paper deliveries to mining to helping out a rather seedy old geezer with photographs of attractive local girls (for health reasons, apparently). Throw in battle challenges and scavenger hunts for online contest, and there’s actually no reason to be bored.
What makes Gravity Rush 2 exceptional, nevertheless, is that it really never stops surprising you, even after many hours. Only when you believe you’ve mastered Kat’s advanced powers, striking enemies hard with your gravity kick and using gravitation fields to catapult debris at them, it throws in alternate manners with their own movement fashions, combat moves, advantages, and limits. What you gain in long-distance jump and enemy-slowing buffs for your projectiles you can lose in close-fight stopping power and speed, but in a few scenarios, the tradeoff for the Lunar fashion is worth it. Likewise, there are times when a slower but more powerful move-set is called for, in which case the Jupiter fashion has your back.
You’re thrown into stranger and much more wondrous settings with echoes of cosmic terror, where you’ll research these brand new powers to their fullest and – only when you think you’ve got the game’s measure – you’ll learn that you still don’t know what’s really going on. This really is a game that aces its lighter moments but also doesn’t struggle in regards to legendary boss battles or huge climactic moments. What appears a rather predictable narrative with a surprisingly early finishing soon transforms into anything but that.
There are several missteps, needless to say. Several sections put the focus on stealth when Kat’s abilities don’t really fit, leaving you prone to instant-fail discouragement. Fortunately, these sections are mercifully brief. In a game where gravity shifts and you can go in almost any way, camera angles are inevitably a problem, and while these aren’t a major issue in regular gameplay this can result in certain floundering during boss battles – something not helped by the rather unpredictable auto-targeting for throwing and long-distance kicks. The abilities progression system, meanwhile, is much too determined by amassing hundreds of little red jewels – an unnecessary distraction from the far more amusing campaign and side quests.
I’m prepared to forgive a lot, though, on the basis of the game’s quirky appeal and wonderful visual style. There’s something truly lovable about its kooky cast and Kat’s infectious rose-tinted optimism, and the same type of nature imbues every mission you take and every character you meet, and of course the punchy comic-book cut scenes that punctuate the action. Sure, there are tons of games with collectible costumes and photo-taking side actions, but not too many where they actually feel like a very natural component of the gameplay. And while some might feel the PS4’s power is being squandered on cel-shaded graphics, these are amongst the very best cel-shaded graphics you’ve ever seen; clear, intricately detailed and full of life as well as color. It seems excellent at 1080p on a PS4, but even more lovely on a 4K display with a PS4 Pro.
Game Trailer
In order to have more insight into this game, you can watch this video from the following link:
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