Runbow Game Review

Funny game
Multiplayer game is more exciting
Sometimes annoying
Single player is not great
Runbow is a frantic platformer with a twist. With tons of funny multiplayer modes, it is a very funny party-like experience, even though its single-player counterpart is a little pale in comparison.
About The Game
Runbow became something of a cult classic when it was unleashed for the Wii U in 2015. Combining lots of colors, mayhem, party-style fun, rich content for solo players, and even a selection of popular ninja characters, this game is loved by those who have played it, and for good reason.
The premise of the game is very straightforward, but it’s also a game where you have to yell vulgarities you didn’t know existed. Your goal is simply to reach an endpoint or goal safely across floors and platforms, but the game’s color system makes that very difficult. The background periodically changes to different colors and all platforms that match that color disappears until they change again. Landing on every platform can be a challenge, but you should pay attention to the ever-changing terrain and plan your route.
Game Features
Runbow has several different modes and ways to play, including a crazy multiplayer option that supports up to 9 players, but let’s start with the single-player stuff. The single-player mode is packed with content and a lot of fun to play. Adventure mode is probably the best place to begin, offering different levels that challenge you to complete objectives, defeat a certain number of enemies with simple combat controls, and collect different objects. Unlock more levels over time to earn up to 3 medals for each level you challenge, graded according to your time completed. Some levels are tough but you should be able to strive and make it to the end.
There’s also a Bowhemoth mode, this mode challenges you with multiple rooms with particularly tricky platforms and color schemes, a terrifying twist, and no progress can be saved. Not for the faint of heart, but of course, the reward when you hit it is one of great cheer and pride. The gameplay itself is great, but it might be the game’s personality that shines here. Whether it’s the elegant menus, the incredibly catchy soundtrack, or the always-beautiful graphics in all game modes.
Multiplayer options are categorized into Run, Arena, and King of the Hill, all of which are slightly different from standard gameplay. The run has you running from a starting point to a goal, Arena encourages players to punch each other around in the hopes of being the last one standing, and King of the Hill makes players fight over one particular spot on the map, aiming to take command there for a set amount of time.
In local multiplayer, these modes all support up to eight players, and this extends to nine if you play online. As you can probably imagine, the more players you have, the more hectic things get; having nine of you sprinting around, desperately trying to avoid being punched while monitoring the colors of platforms is arguably even more hectic than a full eight-player game of Super Smash Bros. – and that’s saying something!
The multiplayer game mode of Runbow is amazing, but there are a few things that left us a little underwhelmed at times. Firstly, there`s no option to add in AI characters, so if you can only gather three people to play that`s all you`ll ever be able to experience without joining unpredictable online players. Plus, it doesn’t take long to repeat all the same stages, and knowing the exact layout of the run takes away some of the insanity.
These are relatively minor issues in an otherwise great experience, but worth noting for anyone playing this mostly solo or with a few friends. This edition also lacks the ColorMaster mode, as it relied heavily on the GamePad. This mode was a Nintendo Land-like affair where a gamepad player wreaked havoc on those playing with his Wii Remote.
In addition to the in-game characters, you can choose from a variety of heroes. It’s fun to unlock everything, including half-genie heroes. The unlock requirements can be seen from the Gallery option in the main menu, but you never know who will get unlocked for your efforts.
Game Trailer
In order to have more insight into this game, you can watch this video from the following link:
You can visit the website of Runbow Game Review by Mr. Frog to understand the game more.