SCUM Game Review

Open world multiplayer game
SCUM might well be the next big thing. It has seen immense growth on Twitch and social networking stations in the few days since it established and for good reason. Despite being in access, the bundle you get is strong, albeit somewhat bare. This is one to see.
About The Game
An open-world, early access survival game with crafting mechanisms and zombies… Have we stepped into a time portal back to 2013?
Devolver Digital, a publisher known for several unbelievable indie hits like Hotline Miami & Input The Gungeon, has introduced SCUM into early accessibility: a”supermax open world survival.”
Despite being tired with that sort of experience, SCUM is superb. It is still very much an Early Access name but the gameplay is polished, bugs are few and far between and there is a good foundation here that is only going to get better. Gameplay-wise, the principles are just like every other open-world survival in the marketplace: loot and craft your way from zero to hero. The lore and background, on the other hand, are quite unique. Everyone is a prisoner, thrown into this arena as punishment. Drones fly and film the offenders as some type of sadistic television program for those on the outside. Currently, all of the drones do is the movie you for a little while and make you soil yourself in fright, but the developers have hinted in an ominous purpose later on.
Game Features
Besides the fact TV gist of things, the purpose is to survive and at this time, there is not actually an end-game. PvP is enabled so other players can be a significant threat. But if you are on a fairly unpopulated server, the larger worries come in the shape of zombies. They are available near every area of interest, whether it is a farmhouse, seaside village or military compound. They are not especially tricky to take down though, and the simplistic melee combat system means a fast swing with your melee weapon of choice, or your fists, followed by a step back to avoid their counter-attack, should see you winning a war of undead attrition.
The other key threat comes in the kind of enormous mechs which patrol military compounds, underground bunkers and the most popular place on the map; the airfield. They take on sight, can spot you from quite a distance and, regardless of what you’re packing, you will be dropped in a burst of gunfire. Needless to say, they shield the regions with the best loot, so in case you wish to gear up, you are likely to have to evade these robotic beasts. Do not consider trying to down them in the few days since the game started, just 1 group has managed to take out one. It took going into a personal host and fiddling with the settings to reduce their harm to zero, followed by about 15 of his community members shooting it nonstop. Taking these godless killing machines is not feasible for most gamers.
While the sport has crafting mechanisms, they are not quite as essential to the experience as you might think. From the get-go, you are likely to need to find two stones on the floor so that you may make a stone knife, followed by chopping up a bush so that you can carry an improvised wooden spear. That is largely where the vast majority of crafting comes in, making makeshift versions of those tools you do not have yet. You’ll always have the ability to find better versions of your stuff inside buildings and compounds so while it sounds intimidating, do not spend too much time considering what you will need to make. Haul to the nearest place of interest rather and hope you do not encounter any mechs.
Crafting is very much needed in regards to cooking meals though. You’ll find many different vegetables and fruit in the wild and in buildings that you might stumble upon a few crisps or a chocolate bar, but they are nothing compared to roasting numerous skewers of human flesh. As grim as it seems, getting a cannibal is the ideal way to remain satiated — for each zombie you kill, there are multiple limbs you can chop up, put on a skewer and roast over an open flame. Numerous animals like deer, horses, and pigs roam the wild but because they flee from you and zombies eagerly run toward you, you are much easier to harvest than the other.
Characters do not persist across servers that means you may have a great deal of different”save files”, so to speak, on the go at any 1 time. Every character you create has their own”fame” ranking, which is essentially a points system. The better you play locating equipment, crafting tools and killing zombies, the more fame points you will earn. It’s a fantastic system since celebrity can be spent on reviving your personality if you die — the desire to respawn next to a squadmate? It is going to cost you 100 FP. Not bothered about where you restart? You’ll just need to part with 25 FP. If you are tired of the survival aspect, you can spend your hard earned FP on entering Deathmatch games also. We have not seen any with benefits for winning yet but they provide a fantastic way to get used to the gun mechanics.
Bringing your stock will demonstrate a couple of tabs across the top, among which is”Metabolism”. It seems overwhelming at first but there is not much to worry about this. Pay attention to”Sicknesses” under BCU Body Monitor as that tells you if you will need to heal up with bandages or tablets. On the other hand, attempt to keep all of your nutritional values from the green but none of it really matters too much. If your health is not ticking down and you are regularly drinking and eating, you have got nothing to worry about. It is possible to min-max your personality by eating a mixed diet, but it is not something we have got to the bottom of yet.
Could this be the first game to teach you to eat right in real life? Provided that it is asking you to barbeque pieces of zombies, that is inconclusive.
Finally though, provided you’re keeping yourself satiated, your character will have to urinate and defecate. Yes, you need to do this manually. Your character will let you know about the left side of this display what they need and also visit the toilet, you need to hold tab, navigate to the bathroom icon then choose which action you would like to take. It is crude and unnecessary for the devs to add anything, but, regardless of myself, it was pretty funny seeing my prison inmate squatting within a plant and letting loose.
SCUM might well be the next big thing. It has seen immense growth on Twitch and social networking stations in the few days since it established and for good reason. Despite being in access, the bundle you get is strong, albeit somewhat bare. This is one to see.
Game Trailer
In order to have more insight into this game, you can watch this video from the following link:
You can visit the website of the Scum Game Review to understand the game more.