Star Wars Force Collection Game Review

The collectible card game Star Wars Force Collection will absolutely bring fun and exciting experience to all aspiring players.
The collectible card game Star Wars Force Collection will absolutely bring fun and exciting experience to all aspiring players.
You will experience a whole new level of fun and excitement with Star Wars Force Collection.You will be able to explore adventure through quest for gaining experience or battling your rivals thinking of strategic ways or moves in order to advance your ranks to Jedi or Sith.
About The Game
Star Wars Force Collection is the newest addition to the online collectible card game genre. It is undeniably an impressive multimedia overload in Star Wars. If you’re a kind of person who’s looking for a different kind of CCG, this game will definitely catch your attention.
Game Features
As the game progress, you will be able to see half dozen planets of the Star Wars game where in some are famous and others are not. Questingis basically tapping the enemy character when they appear on the screen. The basic combat phase in this game is simply as dispatching them oneat a time until your energy points are fully consumed. The energy points or simply called “EP” is your action per turn in the game. Once it runs out you have to wait one point per minute or you can use your crystal to recharge your energy. Crystal in Star Wars Force Collection card game is fairly useful in the game. Some are acquired during the game play but obviously it is only a small amount. But if you are a kind of person who is willing to do what it takes, you can buy crystal online using our real money.
However, some of us are not fortunate to purchase what we need. While you do not have available energy to quest, you may opt to battle other players to make your waiting time worthwhile and enjoyable. You should somehow think strategically in this part by arranging your cards on a grid, wherein it could match to attack your opponent’s force. Each character has different kind of attack and defense rating and is categorized in three parts namely; short, medium and long range. In this scenario you must determine your strategy and ability to utilize its full potential in combat.
Each character has different kind of attack and defense rating and is categorized in three parts namely; short, medium and long range. In this scenario you must determine your strategy and ability to utilize its full potential in combat.
Here are the character card lists according to their rarity.
- Lachichuk (★)
- Admiral Motti (★)
- Admiral Piett (★)
- 2-1B [Healer] (★)
- Mars Guo (★)
- Clegg Holdfast (★)
- Dice Ibegon (★)
- Tigran Jamiro (★)
- Dexter Jettster (★)
- Sephjet Josall (★)
- Neva Kee (★)
- Nabrun Leids (★)
- Lobot (★)
- Malakili (★)
- Mawhonic (★)
- Muftak (★)
- Boss Nass (★)
- Nebit (★)
- Jocasta Nu (★)
- Hermi Odel (★)
- Barris Offee (★)
- Ric Olie (★)
- OOM-9 (★)
- Leia Organa (★)
- Admiral Ozzel (★)
- Pablo-Jill (★)
- Teemto Pagalies (★)
- Captain Quarsh Panaka (★)
- Perosei (★)
- Pit Droid (★)
- Poggle the Lesser (★)
- Ben Quadinaros (★)
- R1-G4 (★)
- Rancor (★)
- Ark Roose (★)
- Sandtrooper (★)
- Scout Trooper (★)
- Aayla Secura (★)
- Lieutenant Sheckil (★)
- Lak Sivrak (★)
- Snowtrooper (★)
- Tanus Spijek (★)
- Stormtrooper (★)
- Lama Su (★)
- Wat Tambor (★)
- Nicanas Tassu (★)
- Captain Typho (★)
- Ratts Tyerell (★)
- Ugloste (★)
- URoRRuR’R’R (★)
- Bom Vimdim (★)
- Wampa (★)
- Watto (★)
- Taun We (★)
- Antidar Williams (★)
- Greedo (★)
- Dathcha (★)
- General Ceel (★) (First pictured)
- Nute Gunray (★)
- Dud Bolt (★)
- BoShek (★)
- Ponda Baba (★)
- Admiral Ackbar (★)
- Padmé Amidala (★)
- Jar Jar Binks (★)
- Lott Dod (★)
- Daultay Dofine (★)
- Dr. Evazan (★)
- Lampay Fay (★)
- Gasgano (★)
- Ann Gella (★)
- Tann Gella (★)
- Boba Fett (★★)
- Porro Dolphe (★★)
- Captain Antilles (★★)
- Rute Gunnay (★★)
- C-3PO (★★)
- Boushh (★★)
- Passel Argente (★★)
- Garindan (★★)
- Del Goren (★★)
- Ashla (★★)
- Sio Bibble (★★)
- Chewbacca (★★)
- Trey Callum (★★)
- Chachi De Maal (★★)
- Ohwun De Maal (★★)
- Fode and Beed (★★)
- Bib Fortuna (★★)
- Rune Haako (★★)
- J’Quille (★★)
- Qui-Gon Jinn (★★)
- Kardue’sai’Malloc (★★)
- Ben Kenobi (★★)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (★★)
- Agen Kolar (★★)
- Beru Lars [Young] (★★)
- Cliegg Lars (★★)
- Owen Lars [Young] (★★)
- Shu Mai(★★)
- Darth Maul (★★)
- Tion Medon (★★)
- Neesh (★★)
- Djas Phur (★★)
- R2-D2 (★★)
- Rabe (★★)
- Horox Ryyder (★★)
- Sebulba (★★)
- Anakin Skywalker (★★)
- Luke Skywalker (★★)
- Cariso Smadis (★★)
- Han Solo (★★)
- General Tagge (★★)
- Grand Moff Tarkin (★★)
- Luminara Unduli (★★)
- Master Yoda (★★)
- Zuckuss (★★)
- General Ceel (★★★)
- C-3PO [Without Coverings] (★★★)
- Jar Jar Binks (★★★)
- Admiral Ackbar (★★★)
- 2-1B [Healer] (★★★)
- Nute Gunray (★★★)
- Dexter Jettster (★★★)
- Qui-Gon Jinn (★★★)
- Jabba the Hutt (★★★)
- Sephjet Josall (★★★)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi [General] (★★★)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi [Jedi Knight] (★★★)
- Lachichuk (★★★)
- Lobot (★★★)
- MagnaGuard (★★★)
- Darth Maul (★★★)
- Boss Nass (★★★)
- Nebit (★★★)
- Jocasta Nu (★★★)
- Barris Offee (★★★)
- OOM-9 (★★★)
- Leia Organa (★★★)
- Leia Organa [Death Star] (★★★)
- Leia Organa [Award Ceremony] (★★★)
- Admiral Ozzel (★★★)
- Pablo-Jill (★★★)
- Captain Panaka (★★★)
- Perosei (★★★)
- Admiral Piett (★★★)
- Poggle the Lesser (★★★)
- Commander Ponds (★★★)
- Rancor (★★★)
- Sandtrooper (★★★)
- Scout Trooper 74-Z Speeder Bike (★★★)
- Aayla Secura (★★★)
- Shaak Ti (★★★)
- Anakin Skywalker [Padawan] (★★★)
- Anakin Skywalker [Jedi Initiate] (★★★)
- Anakin Skywalker [Sith] (★★★)
- Luke Skywalker [On a Tauntaun] (★★★)
- Snowtrooper (★★★)
- Han Solo [Death Star] (★★★)
- Stormtrooper (★★★)
- Stormtrooper [Death Star] (★★★)
- Lama Su (★★★)
- Wat Tambor (★★★)
- Ahsoka Tano (★★★)
- Nicanas Tassu (★★★)
- Coleman Trebor (★★★)
- Captain Typho (★★★)
- URoRRuR’R’R (★★★)
- Darth Vader (★★★)
- Asajj Ventress (★★★)
- Wampa (★★★)
- Watto (★★★)
- Taun We (★★★)
- Zam Wesell (★★★)
- Master Yoda [Jedi Council](★★★)
- Acklay (★★★)
- AT-AT Pilot (★★★)
- Battle Droid: C-3PO (★★★)
- Battle Droid (STAP) (★★★)
- Chief Chirpa (★★★)
- C-3PO: Battle Droid (★★★)
- Dooku [Sith Lord] (★★★)
- LM-432 Crab Droid (★★★)
- Logray (★★★)
- Darth Maul [Assassin] (★★★)
- Mon Mothma (★★★)
- Nexu (★★★)
- Barriss Offee (★★★)
- Leia Organa [Princess in Captivity] (★★★)
- Reek (★★★)
- Aayla Secura [Jedi General] (★★★)
- Shaak (★★★)
- Luke Skywalker (★★★)
- Teebo (★★★)
- General Veers (★★★)
- Viper Probe Droid (★★★)
- Padmé Amidala (★★★)
- Padmé Amidala [In Disguise] (★★★)
- B1 Battle Droid (★★★)
- B2 Super Battle Droid (★★★)
- Clone Trooper (★★★)
- Clone Trooper: Phase 2 Armor (★★★)
- Dathcha (★★★)
- Lott Dod (★★★)
- Daultay Dofine (★★★)
- Viper Probe Droid (★★★)
- Dooku (★★★)
- Droideka (★★★)
- Boba Fett (★★★)
- Jango Fett (★★★)
- Greedo (★★★)
- General Grievous (★★★)
- Kit Fisto (★★★★)
- Jango Fett (★★★★)
- Boba Fett (★★★★)
- Droideka (★★★★)
- 4-LOM (★★★★)
- Bossk (★★★★)
- Boushh (★★★★)
- C-3PO (★★★★)
- Lando Calrissian (★★★★)
- Bib Fortuna (★★★★)
- Adi Gallia (★★★★)
- Clone Commander Cody (★★★★, Light Side)
- Clone Commander Cody(★★★★, Dark Side)
- Dooku (★★★★)
- Dooku, Emperor’s Royal Guard (★★★★)
- IG-88B (★★★★)
- Moff Jerjerrod (★★★★)
- Ben Kenobi (★★★★)
- Ben Kenobi [Death Star] (★★★★)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi [Padawan] (★★★★)
- Agen Kolar (★★★★)
- Plo Koon (★★★★)
- MagnaGuard (★★★★)
- Barriss Offee [Healer] (★★★★)
- Leia Organa [Endor Celebration] (★★★★)
- R2-D2 (★★★★)
- Sebulba (★★★★)
- R2-D2 [Mechanic] (★★★★)
- Senate Guard (★★★★)
- Aurra Sing (★★★★)
- Anakin Skywalker (★★★★)
- Han Solo (★★★★)
- Grand Moff Tarkin (★★★★)
- Luminara Unduli (★★★★)
- Darth Vader [Death Star] (★★★★)
- Zam Wesell (★★★★)
- Wicket Wystri Warrick (★★★★)
- Master Yoda (★★★★)
- Zuckuss (★★★★)
- Clone Commander Bly (★★★★, Light side)
- Clone Commander Bly (★★★★, Dark side)
- Boss Nass (★★★★)
- K-Adi-Mundi (★★★★)
- Jan Dodonna (★★★★)
- Jango Fett (★★★★)
- Nute Gunray (★★★★)
- Jabba the Hutt (★★★★)
- Moff Jerjerrod (★★★★)
- Leia Organa (★★★★)
- Leia Organa [Slave Leia] (★★★★)
- General Rieekan (★★★★)
- Shadow Trooper (★★★★)
- General Veers (★★★★)
- Mace Windu (★★★★)
- Padmé Amidala [Senator at War] (★★★★★)
- Queen Amidala (★★★★★)
- Clone Commander Appo (★★★★★)
- Jar Jar Binks (★★★★★)
- Lando Calrissian (★★★★★)
- Chewbacca (★★★★★)
- Boba Fett (★★★★★)
- Jango Fett (★★★★★)
- General Grievous (★★★★★)
- Jabba the Hutt (★★★★★)
- Qui-Gon Jinn (★★★★★)
- Darth Maul (★★★★★)
- Darth Maul (Assassin) (★★★★★)
- Supreme Chancellor Palpatine (★★★★★)
- Darth Sidious (★★★★★)
- Aurra Sing (★★★★★)
- Anakin Skywalker [Padawan] (★★★★★)
- Anakin Skywalker [The Chosen One] (★★★★★)
- Luke Skywalker (★★★★★)
- Han Solo (★★★★★)
- Darth Vader (★★★★★)
- Darth Vader [Cloud City] (★★★★★)
- Mace Windu (★★★★★)
- Master Yoda (★★★★★)
- Admiral Ackbar (★★★★★)
- Colonel Dyer (★★★★★)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi [Padawan] (★★★★★)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi [Jedi Master] (★★★★★)
- General Madine (★★★★★)
- Emperor Palpatine (★★★★★)
- Luke Skywalker [May the 4th Limited Edition] (★★★★★)
- Grand Moff Tarkin (★★★★★)
- Darth Vader [May the 4th Limited Edition] (★★★★★)
- Master Yoda (Special), Master Yoda [Exile on Dagobah] (★★★★★)
In totality Star Wars Force Collection cards is the core of this game. You can collect some of this through quest, booster pack purchase and occasional bonuses. There are three types of cards in Star Wars gameplay. The character card, featuring the named characters taken from the Star Wars. The stacked card is the anonymous cannon fodder like Stormtroopers and Ewoks, which can be stacked in the single spot on the battlefield and very useful. The vehicle cards are also unique but they are not acquired by collecting but thru constructed from the blueprints. You can get some needed blueprints parts during quest but this is only in random status.
If you want to have your needed blueprints in a certain way, you can get it from the other player in PvP combat but this is not easy as you think. Once you have your vehicle card, be careful with it since they only have limited endurance and might disappear once the value is reduced to zero.
Game Trailer
In order to have more insight into this game, you can watch this video from the following link:
You can visit the official website of Star Wars Force Collection game to understand the game more.